Donnerstag, 11. August 2011

Photovoltaic Panel - Solar electricity

solaranlage Photovoltaic Panel  Solar electricity picture photo bild

This photovoltaic panel produced 13245 kWh in 2001.
It measures 153 square meters. It is the ulility company's solar panel, but other parties owned two other panels (2006) in our town. Consumers in this energy awarded town can sign up and their electricity will have solar (photovoltaic) origin. /
Diese photovoltaik Solaranlage produzierte 13245 kWh in 2001. Es ist 153 quadrat Meter gross. Es ist zur Zeit die einzige Anlage dieser "Stadt"werke, aber es gab noch zwei andere Panels von Anwohner der Stadt Wil (2006).
Esse painel fotovoltaico produziu 13245 kWh em 2001. Mede 153 metros quadrados. Era o unico painel da companhia de utilidade, mas na cidade de Wil tinham mais dois pertecendo a habitantes da cidade (em 2006).
Bild von Ange Halle

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